Who are we…

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Act Wisely for the Children…

In Amsterdam!
Living in San Francisco, very far left liberal, knitter, cook, hiker, traveler, ecstatically retired.


Soy un hombre de paz…
Seems to me, at 83 years in the making (and breaking!), that Human World History has been driven by greed; the need to have it all for yourself, instead of a sharing of the wealth and knowledge that we obtain as a supposedly intelligent species for the common good. National and State borders are pounded together in a series of disputes over the land and its resources. I see these interactions daily in Toddler classes and Preschool— 'It's mine!' mentality…has gotten us into trouble time and again…and now, January 2017…OMG!…and now, Jan 2019…I cry for the children…and now, Feb 2020… I cry for the world…and now, Jan 6,2021…I cry for our Democracy

Welcome to "Insecurity Inc." !

So, where do we go from here?

What actually does it mean to be an intelligent human being in the 21st century?

Will intelligence prevail, hard to say at this moment.

My mother would say, OY VEY!

…and here we are in 2024?